Milwaukee Fishing Eezy Peezy!
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 6/24/2019 Hello all, thank you for reading my reports. Joe, Laura and Jonathan Wolf from Mansfield Texas had fair weather and a multi species catch on a beautiful day on Lake Michigan. I enjoyed the opportunity to fish with them. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
Action is steady and all species are active. The water is still 50 degrees on top. This has made for easy presentation to fish. As long as this continues anglers will have success don’t miss out. Good weather and lake conditions will fill the cooler in the future. The water is warming up near shore and that area is slow. There are pods of forage from 70 feet and out to 200. The recent changes has brought many Chinooks and Coho in. Most of the fish came from the top to the bottom. Our best presentations are Church Walleye planer boards with 150 and 225 copper running 40 to 65 down and downriggers 80 to 120 feet down. Flasher and Bull Frog flies or 100 foot leads on Reaper magnum spoons on downriggers have been the best producers. Reaper magnum spoons are sold at http://www.badgertackle.com with free shipping. Our best boat speed was 2.0 mph. Wire Divers are producing very well set to #2 with 130 feet of line out. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2019, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.

Milwaukee Fishing! Double Chinooks!
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 6/11/2019 Hello all, thank you for reading my reports. Alan and Mark Rooney battled with this pair of near thirty pound Chinooks on a double. Both were caught on copper line and ran over 600 feet of line out. They made a memory of a lifetime. I enjoyed the opportunity to fish with them. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
The most exciting fishing on the lake is now and will continue through the Summer don’t miss out. Good weather and lake conditions will fill the cooler in the future. The water is warming up and there are pods of forage from 70 feet and out to 200. The recent changes has brought many Chinooks and Coho in. Most of the fish came from the top to the bottom. Our best presentations are Church Walleye planer boards with 150 and 225 copper running 40 to 65 down and downriggers 80 to 120 feet down. Some of the best producers have been dodgers or flashers with Howie green flies and anglers reported success on Reaper magnum spoons sold at http://www.badgertackle.com Our best boat speed was 2.0 mph. Wire Divers are producing very well set to #2 with 130 feet of line out. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2019, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.

Milwaukee Fishing! Kings Are Here
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 6/4/2019 Hello all, thank you for reading my reports. Bob and family reaped the bounty of Chinook, Lake Trout and Coho. It was great to fish with them. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
We have definitely turned the corner and have seen a major improvement in angling success. The ups and downs of past weeks are behind us and good weather and lake conditions will fill the cooler in the future. The water is warming up and there are pods of forage from 70 feet and out to 200. The recent changes has brought many Chinooks and Coho in. Most of the fish came from the top to the bottom. Our best presentations are Church Walleye planer boards with 2 and 3 color lead core and downriggers 80 to 120 feet down. Some of the best producers have been dodgers or flashers with Howie green flies and anglers reported success on Reaper magnum spoons sold at http://www.badgertackle.com Our best boat speed was 2.0 mph. Wire Divers are producing very well set to #2 with 130 feet of line out. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2019, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.
Milwaukee Fishing! Gaps For Success
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 5/15/2019 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
Early May fishing is good. Most of our charter trips are catching 8 to 10 fish. Mostly Browns with some Rainbows and Coho. Not much has changed since the last report. Plenty of cold weather and rain has slowed catch rates with fewer anglers on the water. We fished sunny skies on Sunday with the wind out of the northeast at 5-10 mph to start. The wind came up and blew us off the lake. We still managed 6 for 10 in 3 hours of fishing. Most of the fish came in the top 18 feet or on the bottom. The water flowing into Milwaukee harbor is 54 degrees. We have been fishing the temp breaks in front of the river mouth and harbor gaps marking fish at all depths. Our best presentations are Church Walleye planer boards with 25 foot leads behind the boards and downriggers 20 to 35 feet down. The way I set up a planer board is with 20 lb. mono to a 1/4-ounce bead chain sinker. Use 6 feet of 15 lb. fluorocarbon leader from the sinker to a size #1 Cross Lock snap and lure. The fish have not been too particular. Some of our best producers have been Vulcan Silver Sky and Orange Slush sold at http://www.badgertackle.com Michigan Stinger Natural Born Killer and most of their silver orange spoons are working. Inside the harbor and depending on wind direction the north and south gaps are producing fish. The fish at the north gap came on small spoons. Silver blue spoons worked best for us running 60 feet behind the ball on downriggers 8-15 feet down. Our best boat speed was 2.2 mph. Slide Divers are producing very well set to #2 with 50 feet of line out. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2019, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.
Milwaukee Fishing, Always Hot In Spring!
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing Report 5/6/2019 Hello all thank you for reading my reports. Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
Early May fishing is very good. Most of our charter trips are catching 10 to 12 fish. Mostly Browns with some Rainbows and Coho. We fished sunny skies on Saturday with the wind out of the northeast at 5-10 mph. Sunday a southwest wind cooled down the water and the action moved higher in the water column. Most of the fish came in the top 18 feet. The water flowing into Milwaukee harbor is 54 degrees. We have been fishing the temp breaks in front of the river mouth and harbor gaps marking fish at all depths. Our best presentations are Church Walleye planer boards with 25 foot leads behind the boards and downriggers 20 to 30 feet down. The way I set up a planer board is with 20 lb. mono to a 1/4-ounce bead chain sinker. Use 6 feet of 15 lb. fluorocarbon leader from the sinker to a size #1 Cross Lock snap and lure. The fish have not been too particular. Most 3-4 inch spoons and Shad Raps are taking fish. Some of our best producers have been Vulcan OL Sherbet and Orange Slush sold at http://www.badgertackle.com Michigan Stinger Natural Born Killer and most of their silver orange spoons are working. Inside the harbor and depending on wind direction the north and south gaps are producing fish. The fish at the north gap came on small spoons. Silver blue spoons worked best for us running 60 feet behind the ball on downriggers 8-15 feet down. Our best boat speed was 2.2 mph. Slide Divers are producing very well set to #2 with 40 feet of line out. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2019, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.

Milwaukee Fishing, Master the Kings !
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Chinook salmon report 8/28/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast! Nate Lorch spent 15 minutes wrestling with this 25.5 pound monster. We had to back down on this one which made for an exciting catch. The way he was ripping off line I didn’t think he was ever going to stop.
The pattern for me yesterday was deeper presentations on 200 and 225 copper or downriggers 90 down to the bottom. A mixed bag of Chinook and Lake Trout made up the catch. The huge Chinook action is picking up as the kings make there way to the river. We had many fish over twenty pounds this last week. They are still on the feed and in great shape. Chinook are coming on Howie flies and on magnum size spoons. Reapers and Vulcans made by http://www.badgertackle.com have been working for us. I hope this helps. Wire magnum divers are producing a few Rainbows and Browns with flies set at 3 with 160 feet of line out.
Lake Trout today were on eight inch flashers and 0 dodgers and spin n glows 90 to the bottom.
Browns were caught last week on six color lead core with Reaper Magnum Peacock spoons.
Rainbows are slow. When we did catch them they went for the flasher flies
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 75 degree water. A temp break to 52 degrees is at 50 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 2.0 has been best.
Fish are in the colder water out over 80 feet. We fished north and south in 80 to 120 feet. We did not get out over 120 feet of water yesterday. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. I have openings to join a group this week. Call for dates!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2018, James J. Hirt All Rights Reserved.
Milwaukee Fishing, On The Bottom !
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Chinook salmon report 8/9/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
I will leave this tip in my report because it is the answer to producing fish the last two weeks!
Lots of marks only a few are interested. Whatever your favorite bait you must fish the bottom. Pounding the bottom is the answer to putting fish in the cooler. This is not easy with the strong current we have had as of late. The worst scenario is when the current and wind are cross path. The best presentation is with or against the current. When you set up align your tackle with the current. Lower you deepest lines until they bump the bottom and keep adjusting to keep them there. Your focus should be on presentation. This may be more effort than some anglers want to expend.
The pattern for me yesterday was deeper presentation on 300 copper or downriggers 100 down to the bottom. A mixed bag of Rainbows, Chinook and Lake Trout made up the catch. The big Chinooks were missing yesterday but I would look for them at the temp break at first light 55 down. Chinook are coming on flies and on magnum size spoons. Reapers and Vulcans made by http://www.badgertackle.com have been working for us. I hope this helps. Wire magnum divers are producing a few Rainbows with flies set at 3 with 150 feet of line out.
Lake Trout today were on 0 dodgers and spin n glows at or near the bottom and 8inch flashers with flies.
No Browns were caught last week.
Rainbows are far and few in between. When we did catch them they went for the flasher flies
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 70 degree water. A temp break to 52 degrees is at 55 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 1.7 to 2.0 has been best.
Fish are in the colder water out over 80 feet. We fished north and south in 80 to 150 feet. We did not get out over 120 feet of water yesterday. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. I have openings to join a group this week. Call for dates!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2018, James J. Hirt All Rights Reserved.

Milwaukee Fishing, Pounding Out Some Fish !
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Chinook salmon report 7/30/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
Lots of marks only a few are interested. Whatever your favorite bait you must fish the bottom. Pounding the bottom is the answer to putting fish in the cooler. This is not easy with the strong current we have had as of late. The worst scenario is when the current and wind are cross path. The best presentation is with or against the current. When you set up align your tackle with the current. Lower you deepest lines until they bump the bottom and keep adjusting to keep them there. Your focus should be on presentation. This may be more effort than some anglers want to expend.
The pattern for me yesterday was deeper presentation on 300 copper or downriggers 100 down to the bottom. A mixed bag of Coho, Chinook and Lake Trout made up the catch. The big Chinooks are getting slightly easier to find right now with some up to 25 pounds. Chinook are coming on flies and on magnum size spoons. Reapers and Vulcans made by http://www.badgertackle.com have been working for us. I hope this helps. Wire magnum divers are producing with flies set at 2 with 250 feet of line out.
Lake Trout today were on 0 dodgers and spin n glows at or near the bottom.
No Browns were caught last week.
Rainbows are far and few in between. When we did catch them they went for the Golden Diablo spoons in the top 25 feet.
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 70 degree water. A temp break to 52 degrees is at 95 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 1.7 to 2.0 has been best.
Fish are in the colder water out over 80 feet. We fished north and south in 80 to 150 feet. We did not get out over 140 feet of water yesterday. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. I have openings to join a group this week. Call for dates!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2018, James J. Hirt All Rights Reserved.

Milwaukee Fishing, King are On, Right On!
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Chinook salmon report 7/9/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
It was mostly a Reaper Magnum Spoon bite the last several days. with a few fish on white 8 inch flasher and Howie flies. The pattern for me yesterday was deeper presentation on 300 copper or downriggers 100 down. A mixed bag of Coho, Rainbow and Lake Trout added to the catch. The big Chinooks are getting easier to find right now with some up to 25 pounds. Chinook are coming on flies and on magnum size spoons. Reapers and Vulcans made by http://www.badgertackle.com have been working for us. The small silver Vulcan in green, blue or orange has been working on the downriggers for Rainbows. Run them 50 feet behind the ball 25 feet down. I hope this helps. Wire magnum divers are producing with flies set at 2 with 100 feet of line out.
Lake Trout today were on 0 dodgers and spin n glows at or near the bottom.
Huge 14 to 18 pound Browns were caught last Thursday on 4 color lead core with a Reaper Magnum Peacock spoon.
Rainbows are part of most trips on Golden Diablo spoons in the top 25 feet.
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 65 degree water. A temp break to 52 degrees is at 25 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 2.0 to 2.4 has been best. The faster speed triggered the Rainbow action.
Fish are in the colder water out over 70 feet. We fished east west out to 190 feet. We did not get out over 190 feet of water yesterday. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. I have openings to join a group this week. Call for dates!! Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2018, James J. Hirt All Rights Reserved.
Milwaukee Fishing, Deeper Water Is Better!
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Coho and Chinook Report 6/25/2018 Join us in Milwaukee! To get my fish reports and how to videos first go to http://www.jimhirt.com By subscribing you will keep ahead of the other anglers. When I post you will get it fast!
It was mostly a white 8 inch flasher and Howie fly bite with a few fish on spoons. The pattern for me yesterday was deeper presentation on 150 or 225 copper or downriggers worked the best. A mixed bag of Coho, Rainbow and Chinooks added to the catch. The big Chinooks are hard to find right now with some 6 to 8 pound fish filling in. Chinook are coming on flies and on small or magnum size spoons. Reapers and Vulcans made by http://www.badgertackle.com have been working for us. The small silver Vulcan in green, blue or orange has been working on the downriggers. Run them 50 feet behind the ball 85 feet down to the bottom. I hope this helps. Wire magnum divers are producing with flies set at 2 with 100 feet of line out.
Lake Trout today were on 0 dodgers and spin n glows at or near the bottom.
No Browns today.
Rainbows are part of most trips on Golden Diablo spoons in the top 25 feet.
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 60 degree water. A temp break to 52 degrees is at 25 feet. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed and temp at the ball. The boat speed of 2.0 to 2.4 has been best. The faster speed triggered the Rainbow action.
Fish are in the colder water out over 150 feet. We fished east west out to 190 feet. We did not get out over 190 feet of water yesterday. Have a great fishing season. Let’s go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094 or visit his web site at http://www.bluemaxcharters.com Copyright© 2018, James J. Hirt All Rights Reserved.
Fish report,salmon,lake michigan,milwaukee