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Spring Salmon and Trout Lures By Temperature

You have your boards set up and rods rigged let’s continue with lure selection, colors, boat speed, and lure action for spring.  The cold water slows down the metabolism of the fish; this in turn requires you to slow down your presentation. I select lures that are small and work well at slower than normal boat speeds.  Your adjustment to these variables is different depending on the preferred temperature of the target species.  Brown trout like the warmest water of the five game fish in Lake Michigan and they are looking for above 60-degree water.  When you find 60 plus water, fish them as you would in summer.  Below 60 degrees the way you fish should be adjusted.  Most active Browns in spring will be found in the top 20 feet of water where bright lures like the Badger Tackle Vulcan OL Sherbet or Orange Slush are best.   I slow my boat speed to below 1.5 mph.  The small lures become very effective and run well at this speed.  Does your boat troll at 1.0 to 4.5 mph?  If it doesn’t, you will find it difficult to produce all the types of fish in all types of conditions.  Continued tomorrow please come again

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Badger Tackle - Blue Max Charter Fishing - Milwaukee WI -